The previous post is why I have 3 completed novels. Every time I would finish a novel and start to even think about searching for an agent, I would get inspired with another story. "I can't waste my time looking for an agent today. I'm really hot on this new novel. I probably wouldn't find an agent anyway."
As a champion procrastinator, the first rule of procrastination when faced with an unpleasant task is to find something more important to do. Since inspiration has no schedule, you must strike when the iron is hot.
That is not to say that, I haven't procrastinated a bit since I first began exploring the Kindle option. At the present time, I have ideas for 5 more novels in various stages of notes. In the last week or so I have become very inspired to write other things, but I am forcing myself to focus on Soul Searching.
I have the cover art. That was a huge stumbling block. I have finally sorted out the royalty option choices. I know what format it needs to be in prior to uploading. When the final proofread and corrections are complete, the file will be ready for upload. But there was more more thing to agonize over. The description.
The description isn't just something to go and fill in. You don't just sum up your novel in the text box with no prior thought and move along. The description is what will make people either click the button to download or keep searching. I find that daunting, especially after searching the internet for tips. "Write in the style of your genre," says one. "It will drive your English teacher crazy but don't use complete sentences," says another.
Today, inspiration struck for my description. I'm still fine tuning it, but I'm sure I'll have it ready before the final draft is complete.
All I can say is "soon." Which is actually a little frightening. More on that later...
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