Saturday, July 25, 2015


At the end of the last post I mentioned that things were getting a little frightening.  I don't know about other first time Kindle publishers, but I would hazard a guess that many experience this angst.  Very few outside my immediate family, my actual household, and a few close friends know this is happening.  To those who know, I'm guarded.  "Maybe I can sell a few copies," I say, tipping my head from side to side with a forced smile. 

Inwardly is a different story.  I wonder if I'll hit pay dirt.  Maybe I'll be an overnight success.  Fame and fortune will be mine.  My family will never again be in want of anything.  I don't even care if its not overnight; if it takes a month that will be fine. 

But going deeper is a more dispiriting thought.  What if NOBODY wants to read it?  As Marty McFly said in Back to the Future: "What if they say 'Get outta here kid, you're no good.'?"  It's a scary feeling.

It's getting scarier because there are few things between me and hitting that "Publish" button.  The time is drawing near.  It might even be tonight.  In the winter, I drink coffee morning noon and night with a few colas in between.  In the summer, I tend to drink coffee only in the morning, and colas until bedtime.  Tonight, I'm thinking coffee.  Its a "project drink."  Something you drink as you work to keep your edge sharp.  Or perhaps beer would be in order.

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