Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Graphics and Design Links

Have a couple links to share. is loaded with FREE graphics.  Yes, truly FREE!  Many are even free for commercial use and don't even require an attribution. Then there is, another great FREE resource.  It's perfect for creating book covers and more.

Give them both a try.  I did and was very pleased.  I already found cover art my next novel.  Watch for a preview of it coming soon.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Why I Write

I haven't done anything with this blog in over a year, mostly because I didn't feel I had anything worth blogging about.  My skill at promotion is sorely lacking,   I've sold a few copies of Soul Searching, but its nothing to, as they say, "write home about."  That begs the question, "Why do I write?

Yeah, there is the fantasy.  There is the dream of becoming popular, famous, and yes, rich.  In reality, I know that none of that is likely.  Yet I still want to continue writing.  I want to write to tell my stories.  If anyone WANTS to read them, great, if not, I'll continue writing for ME.

I've also noticed that my blogging ability is also lacking.  Perhaps not my skill, but rather my determination.  So many things preempt my blog.  I heard a country song awhile back, about people not chasing their dreams because "life happened."  Every day life, family, earning a living, and assorted obligations, tend to take priority. 
I attended a writing workshop at our community college last week.  It was hosted by a local author.  I was "the old guy in the room," surrounded by young college students.  When it was over, I chatted with one of these young people.  Jon was working on his first novel.  He felt "driven" to tell his story.  It was as if it was fighting its way out of his brain.  But he was struggling.
I began to think about this blog to not only tell the story of my Kindle adventures, but the resources I have found.  Perhaps they might be of some help to people like Jon.  Even my failures could be of value, helping other avoid the mistakes I have made.
I decided I need to write something on this blog at least once per week.  When it comes to writing about writing, there is no shortage of subject matter.  So lets see what happens.

Stay tuned for new about my second novel Apocalypse Road, coming soon to a Kindle near you.